Make a great Innovative Technology solutions to your business . .

At this time PT Javadwipa Duta Mandiri is a private company based in Surabaya, which continues to grow and is engaged in Innovative Technology services based on the Internet of Things to support the achievement of the Industrial Revolution in Indonesia. Javadwipa Group serves various fields of Innovative Technology, including information and communication technology (ICT) services and networks and their security. By the time, we serve Smart Lighting Solutions which include various services around lighting. For the same reason, we also serve technology integration systems based on internet of things solutions (IoT) which include services in integrating or building a system to achieve the Industrial Revolution in Indonesia. And we also serve the development of human resources based on Information Technology and Big Data Analysis for individuals, organizations or agencies.

  • Innovative Technology Solutions
  • Information and Communications Technology Solutions
  • Electrical Solutions
  • Lighting Solutions
  • Internet of Things Solutions
  • Safety Solutions
  • Human Development Solutions
  • Piping Solutions
  • E-Catalogue
  • Javadwipa Monitoring System
  • Javadwipa Security System
  • Javadwipa Control System
  • Javadwipa Smart home System
  • Digital Cluster Control

Our Services

ICT Solutions

Infrastructure development, interconnection, installation and maintenance of Information and Communication Technology

Lighting Solutions

Preparation of construction, planning, design, management systems, auditors and installation of Smart Lighting Solutions

IOT Solutions

We strive to make sure that the Internet of Things – based system development, integration services, and automation system

Safety Solutions

Provide consulting, assessment and training about Human Development services based on Technology and Big Data

Electrical Solutions

Our services in the field of electrical solutions focus on Planning and Manufacturing electrical systems

Piping Solutions

We provide services in the field of Piping. Among others such as EPC Service, OMC Service and CNG Supply

If you want a consultation regarding goods and products for your needs

Currently PT Javadwipa Duta Mandiri is also working with the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).

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